Медовая Ферма

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Полезная информация о меде

Honey is an indispensable source of natural sugars (fructose, glucose, etc.), it is easily digestible. Of all the food products, only honey is 100% absorbed by our body. Honey gives us vitality, because the body absorbs it without difficulty. Honey increases immunity and activates the body's defenses. Rich in antioxidants, this product helps the body cope with various diseases.

Healing properties of honey

Sainfoin honey is a particularly valuable variety containing a large amount of vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances, carotene, ascorbic acid. It has a not too sweet taste and a pleasant smell. Chestnut honey is similar in its characteristics to heather honey. It also crystallizes poorly, has a slight bitterness. Among the advantages of the variety are excellent antimicrobial properties. It should be regularly taken as food for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, as well as with a decrease in immunity.