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Enzymes contained in honey stimulate digestion and improve metabolism. The proteins contained in honey are involved in the formation of hormones. The minerals present in this product regulate the activity of the nervous system, tissue respiration, blood formation. Honey improves tone and energy level, gives a person strength. Due to the presence of an ergogenic component in honey, or the so-called element of increasing efficiency, the effectiveness of sports activities increases. Not without reason, during the Olympic Games, participants follow a strict diet, which includes a lot of natural honey.

Healing properties of honey

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In the mythology of ancient India, bees occupied an exceptionally honorable place. Suffice it to say that the main Indian god Vishnu was depicted as a bee resting in a bowl of a lotus flower. The ancient Indian medical book "Ayurveda" ("The Book of Life") says that a person's life can be extended only by elixirs and a diet that includes honey and milk. The well-known Indian remedy "alteration", which preserves youth and provides a pleasant state of health for a person, is prepared mainly from honey.