Медовая Ферма

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Полезная информация о меде

The types of honey and their benefits are different, but they are all similar in one thing - the abundance of nutrients in the composition of the product makes it the best way to deal with various ailments and bad mood. Almost all types of honey can be used in different ways - with tea, with pancakes, include in cosmetics, prepare hair masks from them. What is the difference?

Healing properties of honey

Sunflower honey causes a feeling of coolness on the tongue. It is distinguished by sweetness, astringency, viscosity, pleasant aftertaste. Many connoisseurs of api products prefer sunflower honey because of its high glucose content. Studies have shown that viscous, tart, amber-yellow honey contains a huge amount of amino acids that improve the quality of life. How many types of delicious bee honey have you tried? It would be wrong to give your love to any one variety, because they are all very different and each of the varieties deserves attention.