Медовая Ферма

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Honey should be eaten in small doses to enjoy its aroma and taste, and after 15-20 minutes. after consumption, drink strong chamomile tea. It is also necessary to consume honey before breakfast and two hours after dinner. If possible, then half an hour before dinner. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, honey must be kept in the oral cavity as long as possible, in order to assimilate it through the mucous membrane. Honey must be valued, much more valued than connoisseurs of good grape wines. The recommended daily intake of honey is 100-150 gr. Honey is well absorbed with fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products. An ideal daily breakfast is porridge with honey and butter, cheese with honey, or a sandwich with non-white bread, butter, cheese and honey.

Healing properties of honey

тест на коронавирус Себестоимость анализа велика за счёт использования японских реагентов, поэтому цена с учётом забора на дому минимальна. Точность исследования. Высокая чувствительность метода позволяет получить максимально точные результаты.

In the mythology of ancient India, bees occupied an exceptionally honorable place. Suffice it to say that the main Indian god Vishnu was depicted as a bee resting in a bowl of a lotus flower. The ancient Indian medical book "Ayurveda" ("The Book of Life") says that a person's life can be extended only by elixirs and a diet that includes honey and milk. The well-known Indian remedy "alteration", which preserves youth and provides a pleasant state of health for a person, is prepared mainly from honey.