Медовая Ферма

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Honey softens the skin well, improves its tone, eliminates dryness and flaking, which is why it is widely used in cosmetics. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take honey mainly dissolved, since in this form it is facilitated by the penetration of its components into the bloodstream, and then into the cells and tissues of the body. When prescribing honey treatment, a strictly individual approach to each patient is required, the selection of the appropriate type of honey and its strict individuality of dosages in order to avoid the adverse effect of a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates on the autonomic nervous system and general metabolism.

Healing properties of honey

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Medicinal properties of honey Bjoline honey from ancient times has been stoked with the jubilant method of rich peoples. The ancient Russians have handwritten medicinal traditions є a lot of recipes, which include honey. In this hour of jubilation of power, honey began to grow more and more destroyed, and the accumulation of material gives the right to put honey in the ranks of the most active natural licks. Prote sled vrakhovuvat, scho honey is mainly for nonspecific therapy, normalizing physiological functions of the body, it is necessary to recommend it for complex treatment of various diseases.