Медовая Ферма

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It seems to be no news to anyone that honey is not only very tasty, but also good for health. However, not everyone knows about the many useful and healing properties of honey. Honey contains fructose and glucose, as well as a large amount of useful minerals: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. In addition, honey is also saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Sun, E, K, C and carotene. It is important to note that the concentration of nutrients in honey directly depends on the quality of pollen and nectar. Useful properties are retained only by honey that has not undergone technological processing and does not contain any impurities. Therefore, all the beneficial properties of honey are preserved only in raw honey, that is, in a natural product.

Healing properties of honey

Honey is one of the oldest products used by man to enrich his diet. The history of the appearance of honey as a food product is more than 15 thousand years old - archaeologists have found evidence that even in the Stone Age people extracted honeycombs with a viscous aromatic filling from holes in the rocks. In the ancient Egyptian papyri, you can find the first mention of honey - the work of extracting delicacy was considered honorable and deserving of respect.